7″ 8 track reel to reel tapes recorded on a Fostex A8

We were recently sent a collection of 7″ 8-track reel-to-reel tapes. All the 8-track tapes were recorded using Dolby C noise reduction on a Fostex A8 machine. They hadn’t been stored in optimum conditions and as many were recorded on AMPEX tape, we did need “bake” them prior to transfer, to treat binder hydrolysis.

Ampex 7" Tapes

The A-8 was part of the home recording revolution that took the ’80s by storm. The A-8 in particular was popular because it was the first machine to offer eight tracks on just one 1/4″ tape.

The machine, like its ‘first mate’ the 350 Mixer, were not meant for professionals but enthusiastic amateurs who were happy to work things out themselves. ‘Sure you won’t know everything right off. But you won’t have to. Just hook up to the 350 (our instructions are easy and explicit) and go to work. You can learn the key to incredible flexibility as you go. While you are working on your music. Not before,’ were the encouraging words in the 350 mixer manual.

Products like the Fostex A-8 enabled bands and artists who would never have got a commercial record deal to record their music. All sorts of weird and wonderful sounds were recorded on multi-track tape recorders, and they often received airplay on John Peel‘s radio shows.

When we transfer reel-to-reel multi-track tapes we save each stem individually, so you can remix the recordings digitally if you want to. If you spent far too much time in the early ’80s playing with your home studio and have a load of old tapes lying in your cupboard, we can help give them a new lease of life. With Ampex tapes in particular, it is critical to transfer them now because they will deteriorate quickly if action is not taken soon.

Visit our Tascam 388 Studio 8 ¼ inch 8-track / Fostex R8 ¼ inch 8-track / Fostex E8 ¼ inch 8-track audio tape transfer page for more info.

1 comment

Steve Taylor

I love it. Through the early ‘90’s me and my brother “Chicken Foot”, (bass guitar,, keyboards, singer, Rhythm Guitar, and Yamaha RX11 and RX15) whew! Anyway, and myself, here it comes, Steve.(Lead singer, Lead guitar and Keyboard.) my point was always gonna be Tascam 424 Portastudio. 2 of them, I was happy with our Masters 31 years later. But secretly I always yearned for a reel to reel. Wow, 8tracks. How much would I need, say robbing a liquor store, for to have this beautiful tape machine? Seriously, how much? Thanks, Assembled Rezultz

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