Replace Tascam BR 20 Capstan Belt

We have two of these excellent machines in addition to our Sony APR 5003s and Studer A80s. The Tascam BR-20 was Tascam’s last and top of the range 1/4 inch reel to reel tape machine and available in two track stereo and stereo with centre timecode option.

The capstan drive in the BR20 is belt driven by a wide belt. Both belts in our machines looked OK but we’ve replaced all roller bearings, belts and pinch rollers in both of our machines anyway as a matter of course. These parts are still available from Teac UK via Acoustic Services on 01-844-347600.

Below is a simple explanation of how to change the capstan belt.

Tascam / Teac BR 20 rear panel removed

  1. Unplug machine from mains power and move to a strong stable base.
  2. Remove cross head screws from the rear panel and lift plate off. Depending on the type of plug in your country you may not be able to remove it completely.
  3. You’ll now be able to see the capstan motor and it’s control board attached to it.
  4. Remove the 4 cross head screws and gently lift the analogue audio output board away from the machine as in the picture above.
  5. We now need to remove the whole capstan motor assembly with the control board still attached. Remove the 4 cross head screws right at the front of the assembly, NOT the six nearest to you when looking at this image. 
  6. Carefully unclip the 4 cable connectors from the motor control board. The other connector cannot be removed from the board and must be removed where it connects to the other board. Tascam BR 20 capstan motor board with cables removed
  7. The whole assembly can now be lifted out from the machine. Be careful to not snag any cables and remember to unclip the black cable ties.
  8. You’ll now be able to unclip the control board from the assembly by carefully compressing the black clips with some needle nose pliers.
    Tascam BR 20 capstan motor board unclipped from assembly
  9. Now remove the six cross head screws holding the capstan motor assembly together. This is the only way to remove and refit the capstan belt. There’s not enough room to do it any other way!
  10. Now you can remove the old belt and capstan shaft. It’s a good idea to clean the capstan with IPA where the old belt has run and reapply a little grease to the bearing end of the capstan.
  11. Fit your new belt and reassembly is the reverse of dissasembly! Be careful though to not drop the screws into regions you can’t get them out of – luckily there aren’t that many on this machine but a long magnetic screwdriver is very useful.. just don’t get it anywhere near the headblock and heads!
    New Teac capstan belt for Tascam BR20 reel to reel tape machine


Rod Birtles

I have just borrowed a BR20 which I am hoping to use to demonstrate tape loops to my experimental music class. However when I press play it takes up the tension but does not turn. The ff and rewind functions are fine. Can you help with any suggestions as to what might be wrong?

Paolo Pierelli

Hi, I need to change the capstan belt on my Tascam BR20. Where can I found it?
Do you have one?
Thank you and all the best.

Mark Pallock

I need 3 capstan belts for a tascam BR-20 tapedecks. The only ones I have been able to find are to narrow.
The correct belt is wide enough to cover the motor pulley.

Do you have any in stock?

Thank You
Mark Pallock

Hi Mark – Thanks for your comment – I’ve replied to you by email.


I desperatly need the capstan belt for my BR20T. Ordered one from ebay, phonohifishop, but it is not so wide and a bit shorter than the original one, so jus a temporary fix.
I woyld be grateful if you could point me where I could ireder a better one.
Have a nice day.
Bratislava, Slovakia

Hi –

eBay sellers don’t always stock the best belts sadly.
I’d recommend for rubber parts. They are excellent.

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